Saturday, December 7, 2013

Wisdom Is The Principle Thing - Goal Setting 2014

As we dive into the last two months of the year, one thing has been capturing my attention and that one thing is wisdom. Proverbs 4:7 says: wisdom is the principle thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.

Why start a blog on devotions?
I’m glad you asked. Professionally I own and operate a real estate business and I regularly blog to educate consumers in my marketplace and I enjoy it. This venue of blogging was placed in my heart years ago. I actually began a blog 5 years ago and organically grew a large following. But because I felt It was “too much” I stopped. Well, here is the attempt at obedience to share with those who could use a daily pick me up with Christ!

During this time of the year (goal-setting season), most business owners, individuals that desire change, and natural planners begin preparing and planning for the next year and what they want to accomplish. And as I began to strategize and plan for the next year, I stumbled across this scripture in proverbs: chapter 19:21. It states “you can make many plans, but the Lords purpose will prevail.” This year, my prayer is not that I obtain financial gain (though I would love and aim to create huge profits in my businesses) but in my maturing in my relationship with God, I earnestly want His plan and purpose to consume me. That sounds crazy, but as I thought further, if I gained profits and grew my businesses, it would mean nothing if God was not pleased with me. Jesus teaches us in Matthew 16:26 by challenging us with this question: “and what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul?”  Wishing you a powerful goal planning season!
What goals are you setting for 2014?

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