Friday, January 3, 2014

Bring Me Another Jar

I recently read the story of a poor widow and her two sons.  The widow was not doing so well financially and was having hardships.  As you can imagine, her husband just passed and she has two growing teenagers to feed and creditors were calling her daily!  Things were getting very tight for her financially and she's pretty desperate and need some help.  And all she has is a flask of olive oil.  Out of nowhere a man comes along who happens to be a prophet named Elisha.  Elisha tells the widow, "borrow as many empty jars as you can from your friends and neighbors.  Then go into your house with your sons and shut the door behind you.  Pour olive oil from from your flask into the jars, setting each one aside when it's filled."

The goal was for the woman to gather jars and use her own flask of oil to fill the jars; then sell the jars of olive oil to make money and pay her bills.

The widow did as she was instructed in great desperation and had her sons go find jars.  The story continues, she filled jars as long as her sons brought them.  One after another, the small flask of olive oil she had in her home filled numerous jars.  She then told her sons: "bring me another jar," and her son responded "there aren't anymore!"  And immediately the oil stopped flowing from her flask.

Here's the funny thing:  As long as her sons were bringing jars to pour olive oil in, the oil kept on flowing.  And the moment that there was not another jar to pour olive oil in, immediately the flow of olive oil ceased!

In life, we must be careful that we have enough to catch all that we desire from God.  Sometimes we pray to God for help and for the blessings of God, but in actuality we're not prepared to catch all that He is capable of bringing.

What things are you desiring from God... and are you equipped to handle them if and when He grants them?

Source of story: 2 Kings 4: 1-7

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