Friday, January 10, 2014

Don't Perish!

Last night after Bible Study at church, my wife and I were discussing some of our wildest dreams and aspirations.  Something that's been on both of our hearts for a while developed in the conversation and we both began to throw out ideas and suggestions on how to make the vision a fruition.  As we arrived home, we were both eager about our discussion.  As I came back downstairs from changing clothes, my wife had covered one of our dining tables in the breakfast nook with scrap paper and said let's sketch it.  After hearing that and by that time, I was super eager.  We sat down together and wrote the vision:  ideas, tactics, strategies, priorities, the impact it would have, and 5 action steps to launch.

I said all of that to simply say this, if there's a vision or a thought that you have in your mind that is burning within you.. don't let it just stay there.  Get out a sheet of paper and write it down.  

Solomon, whom was full of wisdom urged us in Proverbs 29:18 about the dangers of not having a vision by saying:  "where there is no vision, the people perish."

Don't perish!  Every vision, dream, or imagination that you may have in your mind.. write it and take action!
(The results of our vision writing session)

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